Sega Master System 1 switchless mod

Today I have to make a switchless mod for the good old Mastersystem in its original form.

No problem for me, after changing sebs code for Mastersystems few months ago.

After opening you have to go under the mainboard and cut 3 wires of the mainboard


The parts site is holding the pic as usual

I am using the same code I done for the mastersytem2


You have to remove the original 5mm LED and replace it with a RGB-Led with common plus like this one.


The resistors of the LED: 220Ohm. You can use higher ones, if the light is to bright.


You can change the Modes via pressing the reset Button of the Mastersystem
If you press the reset button very short -> The Sega Console will do a reset

If you press the reset button longer the Led toggles between red and green.

If you let the button go at red the Mastersystem is set to 60Hz

If you let the button go at green the Mastersystem is set to 50Hz


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