Archive for the ‘Commodore’ Category

One Power Supply to rule them all

Dienstag, November 21st, 2017

For testing old Computers you will need a lot of different power supplys with AC and DC Voltage.

I put them together and we got one to rule them all ;-)
Meanwell RT-65B and a 9V AC Power Supply

9V /2100mA
5V / 5,0A
12V / 2,8A
-12V /0,5A

So it works @:

  • Atari 8 Bit Computer like 600XL, 800XL, 1200XL, 800XE, 64XE, 130XE
  • Atari 8 Bit Computer like Atari 400, 800, Atari 810, Atari 1050
  • Commodore C64, C16, C64C
  • Commodore Amiga 500,500Plus, 600,1200
  • Commodore CD32, Commodore 1541 II
  • Neo Geo 5V Unit

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UWRC Competition Pro Mini

Donnerstag, Juli 21st, 2016

I bought some Competition Pro Mini and most of them have brocken microswitches :-(

I found some replacements here:

It was very tricky to add the Universal TX PCB in this tiny stick but after all it looks great :-)
After removing original parts I add a Led and two more micro switches for Select and Start.

The chrome switch to swap between Layout Select/Start and Button X, Button Y

I must move the electronic of the LiPo to put it between the two fire Buttons

IMG_8039 IMG_8038

uwrc_tx_1 mini_1 IMG_8537 IMG_8541 (Large) IMG_8550 IMG_8547 IMG_8559 (Large) IMG_8566

IMG_8534 IMG_8544

Amiga 600/1200 PAL/NTSC Switch

Dienstag, April 26th, 2016

Recently I got a A1200 NTSC Board. It is running @60Hz. You can set the speed of the Amiga by hitting both mouse buttons at Power Up. But I want to make it permanent to 50Hz because I am living in germany and some games need 50Hz.

I done some 50/60Hz switches for the Amiga CD32 Unit and it is similar.

You have to find R203 downunder and use a a switch.  didn’t want to make a hole into the case of the Amiga. Therefore I am using the switch of the RF-Unit. I set it permantly to Channel 2 (but I didn’t think I will never use the RF-Output).

Here are some pics

a1200_pal_ntsc_switch_R203 (Large)

a1200_switch_rf_2 (Large)

you have to cut two circuits running to the switch. And it is free for 50/60Hz usage.



Amiga Mouse Restauration

Dienstag, April 21st, 2015

I got a realy new Amiga Mouse (right Mouse). And want to clean up a mouse in a bad taste like the left one.


After some cleaning and putting into a retrobright like lotion and a lot of sun (around 1-2 weeks)


look what happens to the bad mouse.

The only prob remains is the cable …
