Archive for the ‘NeoGeo’ Category

easy mod of a neogeo Stick 2

Montag, November 30th, 2009

Hi Folks,

we have some NeoGeo Sticks 2 for PS3 in stock.
But it works not @ the good old neogeo. So I make an easy hack for the neo geo.
After the mod it works on PC, PS3, Neo Geo, NeoGeo CD, MAK and Clones. (Attention do not connect both PS3 and NeoGeo at the same time).
You can buy it ready for use if you want or make it yourself.

I make use of 6 Buttons at the neogeo connector.



you have to remove 3 of the 4 rubbers.

first look at mainboard

first look at mainboard

checking buttons a,b,c,d,e,f

checking buttons a,b,c,d,e,f

wiring with neogeo cable

wiring with neogeo cable

zomed view, the pins for direction and select,start are marked on the mainboard

zoomed view, the pins for direction and select,start are marked on the mainboard

cutting pvc to get both cable out of the neogeostick

cutting pvc to get both cable out of the neogeostick

Here you can see the NeoGeo Connector:

1 GND brown
2 Feuer E (5) red
3 Select (Coin) orange
4 Feuer D (4) pink
5 Feuer B (2) yellow
6 Rechts darkgreen
7 Unten lightgreen
8 5 V darkblue
9 N.C. lightblue
10 Feuer F (6) purple
11 Start grey
12 Feuer C (3) white
13 Feuer A (1) black
14 Links brown/white
15 Oben black/white

If you didn’t want to see 2 cables out of the neogeostick you can make use of a Sub-D 15 connector and a separate cable.