Archive for März, 2018

the!cart and the right case

Montag, März 12th, 2018

finaly I got the!cart and it needed the right home.

With the help of a cutter knife, dremel and hotglue it fits into a classic Atari 800 Cartridge.

the!cart (1)

the!cart (2)

the!cart (3)

the!cart (4)

the!cart (5)

the!cart (6)

7mm height

the!cart (7)

the!cart (8)

the!cart (9)

the!cart (10)



the!cart (11)







Label in Atari 400/800 Style

THE!CART – Font: Salzburg-Bold
COMPUTER GAMES – Font: Salzburg-Regular
USE WITH CONSOLE… – Font: Salzburg-Bold
CXL4042 – Font: HammerFat




Vectrex Recap Chart

Mittwoch, März 7th, 2018

Here you can find a colorized Recap Chart for the Vectrex

It is based on console5
