Archive for Februar, 2012

WOLFMAN with LED Eyes MOD for Monster Bash

Donnerstag, Februar 16th, 2012

I put a wolfman with led eyes on the left site. The Leds are connected to the backboard flasher behind the wolfman picture:

Look here:
wolfman (1)

wolfman (3)

wolfman_flasher_backboard_100cm (Small)

wolfman (6)

wolfman (7)


Monsterbash real Spiders Mod

Donnerstag, Februar 16th, 2012

After putting the big spiders on the slingshots. I tried some smaller spiders like this one.

In the final Version the spiders will come on complete new plastics. The painted spides will be removed on the new plastics, because the the real ones will sit on the plastic like at the following pictures:

spider (1)

In the back one too:

spider (2)

Here you can see a magnify:

spider (3)

with light up effect in green:

spider (4)
