Archive for März, 2017

240p activation on 3DO Consoles with VP536

Freitag, März 31st, 2017

3DO Consoles outputing 240i Signal but with adding a switch you can set it to 240p

It only works on 3DO consoles with the VDP536 Chip

Pin 52 progressive output (high 5V)

Pin 52 interlace output (low GND)


(red is 5V and yellow/purple leads to Pin 52)


I removed the RF-Unit and put the switch at the same position of the chanel switching



For usage power up in interlace mod (switch off) and after power on the console

switch on to activate the 240p Mode.

If you turn the console on with 240p activated (switch on) you only get a black picture.

Same when you change a disc and you close the console with 240p activated (switch on)


the case need some cleaning

Some pics



progressive is sharper and more stable and not shaking anymore :-)))


goDMD Clock Videogames Animation

Dienstag, März 21st, 2017

Last wekk I got a great gadget called goDMD Clock. The main usage of it is to show the time, date, temp and Pinball Animations from the DMD.

This new version is build with 2 RGB-Led Array in a total resolution of 128×32 Pixel.


You can order it here (If you have trouble with the shop mail me at

Here you can see what I am talking about

After contact with the developer, he added  image rgb support to the editor :-)

Here you will find a package including one demofile. gridlee You only have to change variable base to your path were the package extracted

To do some animations for goDMD you have to use mame. I am using groovymame, because it can be set to output native pixel resolution of the games. So you will get a pixelperfect output for the goDMD.

start mame via commandline: groovymame -mngwrite griddle.mng griddle and do some gaming. After exit you will find a griddle.mng.

To split the griddle.mng into pictures I used a programm  advmng

start it in the path where the griddle.mng via commandline: advmng.exe -x griddle.mng

After this you will get a lot of pictures like: gridlee-00000022.png (Resolution: 245×240)


With the help of irfanview (a pictureviewer) you can create a custom selection (under edit) with Width: 128 and Height: 32.



After Pressing the Button: Save and apply to image you will see a window on top of the left png.


Move it with the help of arrowkeys to the area of interest

In Top Line you see (Selection: 0,0) this marks the X,Y Position. You have to enter these values in

Under File: Batch conversion (set to PNG Output Format) and press Advanced Button: Here you can set the X-pos, Y-pos Position


Mark the amount of png you want to crop and add them



Start Batch


now you have a lot of cutted pictures in the right resolution


now put a in this folder


After this try to import it in the pin2dmd editor under animations: Load Animations


Here you can download new Fonts for the goDMD Clock ArcadeFonts_go_DMD


Atari Jaguar „switchless“ + Reset Addon + Multibios

Donnerstag, März 16th, 2017


I got a white „dental“ case and its time to make the jaguar ready for 2017 ;-)

The title is something strange, but its comming from a Sega Saturn Mod years ago (the code is based on this). The Saturn reset button is used for change region and 50/60Hz.


You will need:

I removed the RF-Unit to put my „standard“ DIN Connector and for adding a button instead of the chanel selector. With the help of this tiny button you can select between 50/60Hz.






(U25 Pin 11 sets the Console between 50 Hz (GND) and 60Hz (5V)
I used a US 60Hz Jaguar for modding, so you have only to solder this wire to Pin 11

Attention If you use the PAL console you have to look downunder and remove a Resistor R140!



(The Reset Line you will find U9 Pin 13  (GND = reset)


I removed the original LED and put instead a RGB-Led.

I set red for 60Hz and green for 50Hz.

If you find blue better, no problemo. But red/gn are the real colors of the Jaguar used in their countrys.



Its like the switchless Mod for the Sega Saturn.

a) When you push the button for a moment. The Jaguar will do a reset

b) you push and hold the button. Now the Color of the LED will toogle between green and red. When you release the button

at red -> Jaguar Resets and starts with 60Hz
at green -> Jaguar Resets and starts with 50Hz



(bigger hole for Din RGB-Connector)





(Reset button)










(my standard Din Pinout, based on modified 5 Pin Din PC-Engine + 3 more for RGB)


Its time to add a 2nd Bios to the Jaguar.

You have to remove the original Jaguar Bios and use a DIP 32 socket.

With the help of a 29f040 FlashRom I added jagbios and BJL1.06

You need to concat the bios files:
Use: windows command: copy /B jagbios.bin + jagbios.bin + jagbios.bin + BJL106.bin 4in1bios.bin

and burn 4in1bios.bin to the 29F040 FlashRom












Update 23.6.2017

I put a switch beneath the Power Switch to make it like a „real switchless“ mod.

So the Power switch can pressed a litte to:

  • change 50/60
  • Reset
  • switch between original Bios and BJL


Press it more deep to Power Off and Power ON like normal

I used a little switch with a ball at the end and put it inside like this:




with button pressed a „little“



Youtube Video

(Sorry about wrong JBL speaking its BJL Loader ;-)